
Thursday, August 13, 2015

It's Your Attitude - It Sucks: Part II

I wrote a post earlier this week titled, It's your attitude it sucks!  Basically I just explained how I have had a terrible attitude lately.  I deleted the post because after reading it I realized how negative I really had become.   The title of this post really makes me laugh!  It reminds me of a little girl who is all grown up now.   Here is why, Trevor was babysitting our God children one day and the oldest told her brother in the middle of a fight, " J.... it's your attitude it sucks!"  Trevor couldn't wait to tell her mom about it when she got home.  He knew exactly where she had heard such an expression.  Sucks really doesn't sound that bad until it is coming out of  a 3 year old.  The statement has been a good laugh for us all ever since. 

So in regards to my attitude - it still stinks!  I think acceptance is the first step to getting over this hump.  I've asked a few friends to pray for me.  I've also committed to being thankful instead of negative.  So here is my list what I am currently thankful for!

1.  Yesterday a dear friend had a dr appointment and heard the words - REMISSION!

2.  Jesus Christ

3.  Healthy and active children

4.  A good marriage

5.  Those stinky pigs that are going to taste so good in a few months!

6.  Good friends that love in me through the good, bad and the ugly!

7.  The internet and how it allows me to connect with people on a daily basis.

8.  Being able to stay home with my kids - as stressful as homeschooling can be I wouldn't trade it for anything.

9.  Air Conditioning

10.  McDonalds Coke

I would love to hear what you are thankful for today!


  1. I'm thankful for intimate praise and worship time- the ability to be unreserved and dance from my heart, reconnecting my soul to my Creator's. ...

  2. I'm thankful I had the chance to sit at the edge of the pool this afternoon, watch my daughter swim and take a few minutes to just enjoy being present. I know our swim days are numbered and that made today extra sweet.

  3. I'm thankful for friends who are real with me and let me be real with them.


Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31