
Thursday, March 5, 2020

Bethany's Homeschool Day in the Life with a 15, 12, 12, and 9 year old!

This semester has been our most structured school year ever.  Not because I  finally got my act together but because Eliana has Drivers Ed at the local high school every afternoon.  Everything has to be done before we leave or it doesn't get done.  My morning routine is something I have mastered over the last 5 years.  Once my kids started sleeping all night getting up early to have some quiet was nice.

6 am:   Alarm goes off.  Some days I get up then others I stay in bed for a few more minutes.
Morning routine:  Prayer journal, bible time, scripture writing, read 2 chapters in a book and workout for 30 minutes, shower and get dressed. 

8:00 am:  Breakfast - My kids all get up sometime before 6:30-8:00 expect the teenager.

9:00 am:  School starts.  Today we started with a DVD from Nova about hurricanes. I folded laundry while we watched the video. Once the video was over we did our Morning Basket together.  Once we finish our morning stuff it's what I call divided and conqueror time.  Eliana goes off to do her work alone.  Asher and I do phonics, Jeremiah gets on the computer and does a few lessons of Nessy, and Josiah does his Teaching Textbooks math.  Once they finish those things it's rotation time.  Jeremiah does phonics with me,  Asher does TT math and Josiah starts on his independent work.   The kids all finish up the independent stuff they need to do and I start making lunch.

1:15pm:  We leave for Drivers Ed.  Some days while she is in class the boys and I do our picture book read alouds.   Today we ran several errands.

3:00pm:  Home from town.  Eliana finishes up some school work,  the boys are currently listening to Harry Potter so they built with legos and listen to their book,  I checked my email and worked on things for a party I am hosting this weekend.

3:30pm:  It's Maple syrup season - the boys head to the woods with my dad.  I start on the dishes.  Eliana takes advantage of a quiet house and works through a few french lessons.

4:30pm:  I start dinner

5:30pm:  The boys return from the woods and immediately return to their audio book.  I'm still cooking dinner!

6:00pm:  Dinner time!  We try to eat together every evening.  As our kids have gotten older this has become more difficult.  Today was one of the rare days everyone was home all evening.  We didn't have one outside activity.

7:00pm:   Trevor is reading a book by the fire,  the boys are listening to Harry Potter,  Eliana and I deliver girlscout cookies and 4H  BBQ tickets.

8:30pm:  Bedtime for the boys.  The rest of us watch a couple episodes of the office.

10:00pm;  Bedtime for me!

1 comment:

  1. Love hearing about your day. Your routine sounds like it flows and your kids do what they need to do.


Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31