
Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Confess Your Literary Sin

In the first chapter of Anne Bogel's new book I'd Rather Be Reading she talks about how people want to share their literary sins with her.  What is a literary sin?  It is a book that you love that you feel you shouldn't.  A book you think you should have read but haven't.  Calling yourself a reader but  not picking up a book for months.   Basically anything you feel guilty about that has to do with reading.

This year we decided to give away a book each month.  This month were are giving away a copy of this book.  It is a delightful read if you're a book person.  It's a grouping of essays so it doesn't need to be read cover to cover.  It's a beautiful hard back book that would make a great gift for your book loving friends.

Want to know how to win?  Confess your literary sins!  You can leave a comment on the blog or on the facebook link.

Here are ours:

Bethany:  I have never read Harry Potter and have no plan to.  I have tried to read Jane Austin novels many times.  I can't get past all of the people.  I listened to two of her books on audible this year.  I fell in love and that may be the only way I read her books!

Trevor: I have never finished The Brothers Karamazov even though I consider it one of my favorites. I wonder if I would change my mind if I finished it? One of my favorite modern writers is the late atheist Christopher Hitchens.


  1. Same, no Harry Potter for me. I did try but didn’t make it very far. I feel bad that I can’t get through Francis Chan’s Crazy Love. I’ve made it part way, but there it sits inside my nightstand.

    1. Glad to know we are in the Harry Potter boat together!

  2. I am in the process of reading about 200 books, but mostly only get to read stories to my girls. ��
    I have an overdue book at the library at least once a month - I can’t get in a good rhythm of getting them all back at the right time.

    1. I remember those days of only reading children's books! The upside is there are a lot of GREAT ones!! I also remember the overdue books!! Yowsers! Library Elf saved my life!! I still use it! It tracks all of your library accounts and sends you email reminders when they are due!

    2. Ditto to what Shawna said! As for library fines - we always have them! Even with an email reminder to take books back. The librarians joke that I'm their job security!

  3. So I really loved the Twilight series, but feel like that is lame. Most "classics" I either 1) don't get. 2) think are boring. And probably my biggest literary sin is... I would rather a book be written in what I consider everyday language than stretching my vocabulary with words that I don't find familiar! Ha ha!!

    1. Ok so I'm not so tech savvy....the above post is me!!! lol

    2. You and Lea have both told me you enjoyed Twilight. Maybe I should give them a try:)

    3. I didn't think I would like them at all, but a friend loved them and gave me her copies to take when we went to Haiti for a month. When you have zero other things to do and you've already read everything else--you get desperate. So I thought--what the heck? I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the story. Though I intensely dislike the movies, the only one I sort of enjoyed was the last one. If you decide to--let me know what you think!

  4. As much as I love the Lord of the Rings movies I cannot get in to the books. At all. I've tried and failed numerous times. I also do not understand all the fuss over Where the Wild Things Are. I bought it for Logan because it was on one of those "must read" lists and I totally regret this decision lol

    1. I think the kids and I are going to try The Lord of the Rings on audio book. Eliana just finished the hobbit and loved it! I've never read any of them.

  5. I’ve purchased and planned to read Lysa Terkeurst’s “Made to Crave,” but have yet to read anything more than the first 5 pages. I haven’t read a book since Ayla was a baby, AND I just purchased (but haven’t started) Lysa’s book “It’s not meant to be this way.” I’m sure they’re great, but I am bad at prioritizing my time to allow personal reading time!

    1. I didn't really start reading a lot until Asher was about 3. By the time I had the kids in bed I was to tired to do anything but veg out in front of the TV. Give yourself grace in this season!


Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31