
Monday, March 5, 2012

February Goals!

If you regularly read our blog you know I (Bethany) have a list of books I am planning on reading this year.  2012 Books to Read  If you read this post you will see I was suppose to read Choreganizers by The Steward Family.  I looked every where for this book used and through inter-library loan.  It was no where to be found.  I finally ordered it from CBD.  Upon arrival I realized why I couldn't find it any where, it is basically a chore chart.  The book has a grand total of 4 written pages.  The rest is a large chart and money to pay your kids with.  I quickly returned it !

So in its place I read a book I got free from Amazon on Trevor's kindle: Have a New Husband by Friday   By Dr. Kevin Leman.  I have read several of Leman's books.  If you have ever had a conversation with me about birth order you know how much I LOVE  his book,  The First Born Advantage.  I will not go into great detail about how I feel about the New Husband by Friday book.  It has been a long time since a book made me so angry that I didn't finish it.   I gave Dr. Leman the benefit of the doubt and finished the book.  I have read a lot of marriage books.  I normally find at least one thing I can work on after reading the book.  This book left me thinking "Dr. Leman is a quack" (which is how Trevor feels about him anyway). 

The second book I read this month was The Art of Simple Food by Alice Water.  I really enjoyed this book.  It was more of a cook book than a reading book.  The entire second half of the book was recipes.  I borrowed this from inter library loan, so I didn't have it long enough to try the recipes.  If you are not a cook this would be a great book to read. She uses simple recipes without a lot of ingredients.  She talks a lot about what we eat and how good, "real" food tastes great!  I think she finally convinced me to stop buying the cheapest Olive Oil and get the expensive, good stuff. 

My other goals for the month:

Kids read aloud book:  We are currently making our way through The Hobbit.

The craft thing I tired this month was a dish towel with velcro on it.  It cost me less than $3 and took me less than 5 minutes.  I bought the self sticking velcro because it was cheaper than the sewing kind.  It has worked great on the stove.  I am not sure what is going to happen when I wash it.

Cleaning/organizing:  I was suppose to wash all the stuff on top of my kitchen cabinets.  I didn't get it all done.  I am hoping to finish it up this weekend.  We will see if that happens.

Marriage:  Trev and I finished The Scarlet Letter.  We went to the city dinner without the kids but I'm not sure I can call it a date.  It is the only time this month we were without the kids.  So I'm pretty sure we failed this month too!

New Recipe:  Molten Lava Cookies
I found this pin on Pinterest.  I made my normal Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Cookies.  I put the dough in regular sized cupcake pans.  I then used Dove Dark Chocolate as a center.  I put another layer on top of the chocolate.  I cooked them for about 25 minutes until they didn't look doughy in the middle any more.  They were super yummy!  They were a little big for the kids.  Next time I will probably do them in mini muffin tins!

DIY: Make my own fabric sheets

The site says it will last 40 washes.  Mine did not last that long.  More like 25 before my clothes started sticking together again.  I let it soak longer the second time I did it.  I'll see if it lasts  longer this time.  It will soon be spring and I won't be using my dryer any more!  In fact this week it was so warm one day, I had 2 loads of laundry on the clothes line!


  1. Sorry you wasted time on a book that stunk but thanks for saving me the time.I think it was part of series and they have one that is have a new kid by friday...won't plan on reading either one now!

    I wish that you needed me to taste test those cookies. Is that ice cream on the top??? I may have to bake rather then teach today....

    Never, ever in a million years did I think about making homemade dryer sheets! Very cool. Was it worth the time and how much money do you think it saved?

    1. I have read have a new kid by Friday and liked it.

      Yes, it is ice cream on top. We ate them straight out of the oven!

      I'm not sure it saving me $$. I need to sit down and figure that out! It didn't take any time at all to make it.


Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31