
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Crying over cookie dough!

Isn't it funny that you can see things all the time but every once and awhile it brings an emotional response.  That is what happened to me this morning.  I took this out of the fridge.

I then started to cry.  No, not because it was almost gone but because it reminded me of someone.  Well, not really someone, but 4 someones. Raw cookie dough is a staple at any youth group slumber party.  How can you have a slumber party without it?  This is really something I've never understood.  I don't like raw cookie dough!  I prefer hot chocolate chip cookies straight out of the oven. But anyway, when God brings people to my mind in strange ways I do what I always do.  PRAY!  My 4 girls were heavily prayed over this morning.

It is things like this that make me think I miss youth ministry.   Here is the thing, I don't really miss it.  I don't miss teaching lessons, I don't miss leaving my children somewhere every week, I don't miss chaperoning lock ins & I don't miss planning activities.  Ok - maybe I miss the last one a little bit.  Here is what I  really miss - the relationships.  I miss knowing what is going on with my "kids" on a weekly basis.  I prayed for my girls this morning like I have hundreds of times before.  But here is the hard part - I don't know exactly what to pray  for anymore.  Facebook, email and the occasional visit don't tell the whole story.   I don't really know what is going on in their lives.

So if you were once a part of our youth group, we haven't forgotten about you!  You are still prayed for and thought about often.   If you're in town - stop by we would love to see you!  Send us and email or Facebook message.  Let us know what is going on in your life !


Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31