
Thursday, December 31, 2020

What I learned in 2020!

As we end the crazy year that is 2020 I'm reflecting on what I have learned.  Here are the few things that 2020 showed me.  

1.  I am 100% an extrovert.  I have taken the Briggs/Myers personality test more times than I can count in my life.  Until I was 30 I just always thought the test got the E wrong.  I'm extremely shy in new and large settings.  I was told my entire life I was shy so that's how I acted.  Anyone who knows me well knows that I don't have a problem talking.  I have slowly embraced my extroverted side. I get my energy from being with people.  When things shut down in March my need for interaction with people outside of my house was very obvious.  My best friend sent me a message to check on me.  Her words: "My social butterfly friends wings have been clipped - checking to see how you're doing?"  I told Trevor I had never felt so known in my whole life.  Trey Kennedy made this video that completely expressed what those first few weeks looked like at our house.   We learned which of our kids are introverts and extroverts.  We are an even split down the middle 3 and 3!  

#2  My church family is amazing.  My Sunday school kids keep me on my toes.  When we got Covid my church family showed up with food.  They have prayed for us during this crazy year.  They see talent in my kids and encourage them.  My kids have sent letters and notes throughout the year and they have written back.  They love my family well!  

#3 I can cut the boys hair - if it's a necessity.  Trevor will never let me touch his again.  You can ask him about the one time I cut his hair.  It's a funny story now but not something we will do again. 

#4  I work best with accountability.   I have set goals for years.  I have a pretty good system down.  This year I joined a mastermind group.   I share my monthly, weekly, and daily goals with the group.  Then the next month I had to share how I did.  I can honestly say without this group I don't think I would have done so well this year on my goals.  This summer a local friend started a walking accountability group and it has been life changing for me.  It is such a great group of women.  Even when you fail they are there to encourage you.  I'm so excited to see how both of these groups encourage me to grow in 2021. 

#5 - I'm a food hoarder.  I have always been a stock-piler.  My mom taught me to buy when things are the best price and buy enough to last you to the next sale.  I normally shop every two weeks.  When the stay at home order was put into place in March we did grocery pick up for the 1st time.  After 8 weeks I finally stepped back into the grocery store.  The first couple of trips were interesting.  Meal planning was difficult because you never knew what items would be out of stock that week.  Here is where I became a hoarder.  If there was something that I saw they finally had back on the shelves I bought it - even if I didn't need it that week.   I mentally could not do 2 months of not spending like we had planned out of fear that our stockpile would run out and I wouldn't be able to feed my family.  I think listening to my grandparents tell stories of WWII rationing may have contributed to this panic.  My brother got us a deer this fall and my current anxiety over food is very low. 

#6 - Relationships are extremely important to me.  This goes along with # 1.  I need people, but I really need MY PEOPLE and so do my kids.   My family has been blessed with a great community to do life with.  Even during shutdowns we did porch dates and zoom calls.  We all agreed that it wasn't the same.  I will never again take for granted our busy schedule and all of the people we spend time with.  

So there are a few of the things I learned about myself this year.  
Did 2020 teach you anything?  

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Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31