This year I really struggled with reading. I barely hit my goal the last week of December. I didn't read very many books that I just loved. Which I realized makes me not want to read. I read 61 books, listened to 23 audio books. and read 16 books to the boys for school. Here are my top 5 picks! You'll notice a theme with my choice of books this year!
I don't normally read best sellers. This was a bookclub book. It was so popular I had to borrow it from a friend. I think I'm still on the wait list at the library months later. It was an amazing story about friendship. A large part of the story takes place during the Vietnam War. It covers a part of history I'm not that familiar with. It also does a great job of discussing PTSD.
This is one of the 1st books I read in 2024. In December I was still thinking about it. If you struggle with trust or have people in your life that struggle with trust this is a great resource.
Jennifer Chiaverin is one of my favorite authors. I was nervous about this book. Recent movies and books want to glorify the villain in stories. That does not happen in this book. She does a great job of sharing John Wilkes Booth life but not sugarcoating how it ended. If you like history and all things Lincoln this is a fantastic read.
This book is proof that true stories are better than fiction. This book made me want to visit every art museum. It also made me think robbing a museum sound so easy. It was a quick story with crazy characters. It really was hard to believe it all happened not to long ago.
A story that spans multiple countries. If you enjoy murder mysteries and serial killers this is fascinating.